Product training may form part of the professional development and endeavour necessary, but it should not be relied upon in order to recognise, diagnose, or to competently manage the common cosmetic skin concerns that one sees in everyday practice. “Skin is an organ and not just a face”, is our practice’s mantra. The health status of a patient interfaces with their skin, is an important factor, when it comes to successfully resolving common cosmetic skin conditions.
The success to achieve results, relies on the early identification of disease pathologies, changes in hormonal balance, and the intrinsic levels of inflammation by critical analyses of their root causes, (which may be long-standing). The entrenched “cookie cutter” latest skin rejuvenation device approach does not help to achieve a successful skincare practice. For example, the ad hoc wide use of microdermabrasion, lasers and chemical peels denoting that “a one size fits all” approach to manage skin is harmful treatments have to target the root of the condition, rather than mask the symptoms. As results are marred by a free radical attack, which damages and prematurely ages skin in the long-term. Treatment choice comes from understanding the critical role of inflammation in the skin and body, Common cosmetic skin concerns are by their nature rooted in inflammation. Therefore, moving away from the caustic approach to wounding and annihilating skin, in the mistaken belief that a wound healing response once generated, can lead to good results – is only a short-term fix due to intrinsic-extrinsic factors.
The skin treatments and products that we utilize at work are applied in conjunction with how accelerated a patient’s wellness optimization is set, in order to assists and supports the skin. Understanding cellular health and human body function runs in tandem with this. The treatment philosophy that we adopted many years ago stared with an conducting a comprehensive assessment, which engenders patient education. Scientifically evaluating evidenced treatments that are linked to those that share the same parameters as those which make a positive contribution to cellular health, and wellness lead to excellent results and good ageing.
Those are the simple principles of patient management in our two centres. The management plan relies on the early identification of disease pathologies, changes in hormonal balance, and the correct assessment of intrinsic levels of inflammation by critical analyses of their root causes, which may be long-standing.
Treatments have to target the root of the condition, rather than mask the symptoms.
Understanding the role of inflammation in the skin and body, so as to move away from the caustic approach to extrinsic wounding and annihilating skin so that a wound healing response is generated, can lead to good results – in the short term – but married with a free radical attack, prematurely ages skin in the long-term. The drivers of intrinsic silent inflammation makes skin conditions worsen, whilst the patient’s real health may also be diminishing whilst they are pre-maturely ageing. Crucially genetics also plays a role and most importantly, dictates how much protection the skin has from inflammation. Once a simple programme of skin-health exchange has been put in place, the first line of defence in basic skincare is ingredient and product. Ingredient combining with an effective slew of antioxidants, pepoxides, growth factors, retinoids, and enzyme inhibitors, to deal with skin, which is overwhelmed by intrinsic inflammation and exposure to UV radiation and harmful pollutants is a deciding factor.
We are also pro-active in educating our patients about how to use sun-block, whilst also gaining the benefits of the healthy rays of sunshine. Melanin provides the second immune response to protect vital DNA in skin cells, as it prevents them from being corrupted by ultra violet rays, particularly if patients sunbathe or use tanning beds. Disrupting or abusing the stratum basal however is not advised, so patients are instructed in how to understand it properly. The role of an advanced educated skincare professional is therefore vital for patient/ client support.
Skin correction occurs through the intrinsic and extrinsic reprogramming process, which influences the behaviour of skin cells in order to normalise cell function. What is being sought in an effective treatment journey that utilizes ingredients and the correct technology that allows molecules to penetrate. The objective is to activate the cell function, so as to mimics that which was present when that patient was a child. Finding the right balance in the formulation of the skincare being used, in order to provide stimulating effects, remove unhealthy tissue and crucially, to replace the former skin with healthier functioning skin, without causing irritation or excess dryness, despite an increase in proliferation is key.
The competent practitioner must set forth with the right ingredients, the correct formulation and the very best technology available, so as to start to reduce inflammation, otherwise the condition flares, or rebounds. A blend of active ingredients that target the root cause of the skin condition, but that can also correct and restore the barrier function is vital for success that will normalize skin cell function
Suggested Safe Ingredient Checklist:
Free from:
• Synthetic preservatives, such as parabens or phenoxyethanol
• Harsh surfactants, such as sodium, ammonium and lauryl/ laureth sulphates
• Petrochemicals, including PEGs, paraffin and other glycols
• Silicones
• Mineral oils
• Genetically modified or irradiated ingredients
• Artificial fragrances
• Grain alcohols
• Chemical sun protection filters
Finding the patients is never an issue; they find you. In looking for advanced treatments and advanced technologies in the arena of advanced biochemistry, some experts certainly stand out. I tend to follow the expert, rather than the lab. I have interfaced with many in my efforts to achieve results driven formulae. Trusting the right experts is vital in the interfacing sectors where I work. Sharing information is also very helpful in deducing the correct understanding.