Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is one of the latest anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation procedures available and has the power to trigger your body’s own tissue regeneration potential. PRP Rejuvenation Therapy is a naturally occurring component of your own blood. It encourages skin rejuvenation by stimulating the growth of your own collagen and improving blood supply to tissue and can greatly improve skin tone and texture whilst also reducing fine lines and wrinkles, all by stimulating your body’s own regeneration systems.
All our PRP treatments are carried out in our Kensington Clinic, The London Wellness Centre, or our Plastic Surgery Practice, PSA UK.
H O W I S P R P U S E D M E D I C A L L Y ?
PRP has been thoroughly investigated and regularly used as clinical tool for several types of medical treatments, including nerve injury, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, cardiac muscle injury, bone repair and regeneration, plastic surgery and oral surgery. PRP has also received attention in the popular media as a result of its use in treating sports injuries in professional athletes.
W H A T D O E S P R P I N V O L V E ?
A small amount of your own blood is processed in a highly specialised, state of the art system, in a safe clinical manner. This natural and safe treatment uses your own blood, which is extracted and enriched (with no chemicals or additives) in an easy and comfortable process and is then re-injected through injections. The benefits of this approach are the natural and self-healing effects of regenerated skin, improved skin vitality, improved sun damaged skin, and better skin hydration.
H O W D O E S P R P W O R K O N S K I N T I S S U E ?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. It contains high levels of tissue growth and regeneration factors which are vital to cell growth and rejuvenation. PRP contains and releases several different growth factors and other cytokines that stimulate healing of bone and soft tissue.
I S P R P S A F E ?
Platelet Rich Plasma is your own unique (autologous) tissue and so you are using your own blood to repaid and improve your skin tissue. Slight swelling and redness may be present after the procedure but this is temporary and your specialist clinician will provide you with appropriate treatment and care. Adverse reactions are rare.
W H A T C H A N G E S W I L L I N O T I C E ?
Your skin tone and texture will improve as new collagen cells are stimulated and develop. Visible results may take 3-6 weeks and clinical evaluations have shown that the effect continues over time and usually lasts longer than other injection therapies.