Anti-ageing or anti-wrinkle products must contain a slew of proven, scientifically evidenced ingredients, which have been shown to make skin look and act younger: 1/ Antioxidants (and not just a one “star” ingredient such as Vitamin C). I look to find at least 4 exciting antioxidants 2/ Skin-repairing ingredients such as a Vitamin A derivative known as a retinoid 3/ Cell-communicating ingredients, such asL-Lactic Acid, L-Retinol AGP, which are also DNA repair ingredients 4/...
Don’t forget that an expert consultation and specially devised treatment plan is as important as the technologically advanced products which we distribute. To achieve the best results possible seek the support and structure provided by one of our specially trained, locally available DERMAplan specialists. Medico Beauty distributes the best, most cutting edge products out there. But that’s not always enough. If you wanted to get your hair done or your teeth done, would you do it...
SKIN COP celebrates the concept of ageing gracefully, beautifully and healthily. Treat your skin as a precious organ which reflects your internal health. I AM NOT FOCUSED ON ANTI AGEING. We all age – me included. However, what I don’t want to do is age badly and prematurely. I encourage all my patients to change their mindset and come to terms with a healthy ageing process. Trying to look like a 19 year old when youre 45 looks plastic fantastic and awful. However, using a...
Our many years in the industry – we started in 1989 – means that we’ve learnt to separate Beauty Fact from Beauty Fiction … S T O P – T H E – P R E S S Lipsticks with SPFs, Moisturisers with SPFs, Eye Cream with SPFs, Make Up with SPFs… They are everywhere! If I had a penny for every time this scenario occured at my clinic: Constance Campion: Do you wear sunscreen? New Patient: Oh yes. I already use SPF every day: my tinted moisturiser has SPF in it, my eye...
Here are Skin Cop’s top things to do to change skin. All these supplements and additions are available through the London Wellness Centre. If you call us (020 7341 9972) or email us ( and quote the discount code ‘SkinCopDecember’ we will give you at 10% discount off the usual price! All these products are useless without all the important re-education, guidance and support that a highly trained skin health practioner can offer their patients. Sign up for a...
Some research just published has found that 21% of women in the UK would consider Plastic Surgery. Some might find that statistic pretty shocking but I’m less surprised. Too many people nowadays see Plastic Surgery as a ‘quick fix’ rather than a last resort – and I’m on a crusade to put a stop to that attitude. At the London Wellness Centre and Plastic Surgery Associates we  tell patients EVERY DAY that before we can operate they need to start taking more care about...
    See my other Top 7 tips by clicking here!   We believe that all ‘bad skin’ is as a result of unhealthy and abnormal body processes. It’s not just a face, your skin is the largest organ in your body and intrinsically tied to healthy body function. We all shine from the inside out, not the other way round. We promote good (healthy) ageing. We are less focused on the notion of ‘anti-ageing’. We fight a battle against premature ageing which is caused by silent...
See my other Top 7 tips by clicking here! Wear mineral make up. And, use other, non synthetic products on your body, such as aluminum free deodorant. Do not dry your face with a towel – it spreads bacteria – use Scott Roll instead. We are pro going in the sun, however, we encourage our patients to be in the sun intelligently. Cover up, don’t go out in the midday sun. Never Burn! Feed your body well. We believe in the harmful effects of over acidity in the body, which...
  To find out more about Medico Beauty’s Treatments or Services, please email or call 0844 855 2499.   People Consultant Plastic Surgeon, A. M. Awwad, and Aesthetic Nurse Practioner, Constance Campion – who was named one of Vogue Magazine’s top beauty secrets – founded Medico Beauty in 1994. Using their collective experience and hands on clinical approach they developed the use of Non-Surgical Rejuvenation at their Kensington practices,...
Mineral Make Up can be bought from Medico Beauty. More stock will be added in coming weeks to the site. Otherwise, call us on 0844 855 2499! Helps to defend against Free Radical attack with the Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory properties of Vitamin K, A, C and E. Originally designed for Plastic Surgeons for use after chemical peels and cosmetic surgery, Mineral Makeup is not a thick, old fashioned camouflage but, rather, a weightless wonder that assists and promotes natural healing....